Bulimia Nervosa

Bulimia Nervosa

Eating Disorder Recovery Specialists is a nationwide outpatient treatment program focused on providing you with the individualized support you need from the comfort of your home, school, community, or virtual setting. Many of our clients are currently struggling with issues relating to bulimia nervosa.

If you or a loved one may be suffering from bulimia nervosa, we’re here to help. Our team of expert clinicians and providers can create a customized and individualized program, consisting of therapeutic meal support, therapeutic skills, exposures, and coaching, accountability to help you stay on track.

We also closely work with any external healthcare providers you may currently have to ensure that your overall treatment has the highest level of coordination.

Unlike anorexia or other eating disorders, problematic warning signs relating to bulimia are often harder to identify. This is due to the fact that those suffering from bulimia nervosa often tend to hide their bingeing and purging behaviors.

Due to society’s perception and stigma around what a person with an eating disorder looks like, individuals who struggle with bulimia often go unnoticed by even those who are closest to them because they appear to have a “normal” body size.

Some health consequences associated with bulimia include:

  • Chronically inflamed sore throat
  • Tooth decay due to stomach acid exposure
  • Gastroesophageal reflux disorder from frequent vomiting
  • Intestinal problems from laxative abuse
  • Swollen face and cheeks
  • Dehydration from fluid purging
  • Swollen salivary glands
  • Kidney issues from diuretic use

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30 N Gould St Ste R Sheridan, WY 82801